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Introduction 😌

Kobo app is a mobile application concept for students that focus on helping them save towards graduation goals. But here’s something, with kobo you don’t just save, you have the option to invest and also, access to free financial consultation.

Problem statement 😔

Let’s tell ourselves the truth, saving is sometimes hard for some students. One moment you think you have money... the next moment you’re doing “strange” mathematics.

On another news; some of us feel we can change the world overnight by saving the entire money we get. But that is not okay, we must learn not to save beyond our means. Good budgeting and correct saving habits don’t happen overnight. Atomic Habits talks about taking baby steps daily in becoming best version of YOU.

How about we approach saving by one kobo for a time? Ofcourse money do our kobo.

Our goal 👌🏾

Build an app that makes it easy for students to save money prior to graduation.

Target audience👌🏾